I received a fabulous new tri-pod for Christmas (my old one died in the Arctic), so I finally got to take Christmas light pictures of my house! So excited!
It was a wonderful Christmas at the Wilson's households! The celebrations started on Christmas Eve at Grandma's house, continued on to Christmas Morning at Shane and Tricia's and then to my house on Christmas night. Fabulous traditions and great family fun! Favorites included lawnmowers, a double light saber, magnet dolls, camera, and a dog puzzle. P.S. It should be noted that Walker figured out the "hard" puzzle in 5 minutes the first try, and 30 seconds in the second round. Anything for food!
What has now become an annual tradition, dressed in their holiday attire, the Wilson clan did a MARVELOUS job with their holiday photo shoot. No complaints or tears in the brisk morning. Will be making sure that a good word goes to Santa!
I had the wonderful pleasure of capturing my dear friend Andrea's little boy at Christmas time. With the help of mom and dad plus some candy, we got some smiles!!
Introducing "Baby Heidi" the newest edition to the Williams Family. Here are some moments at two weeks of age and at one month of age. It seems "Baby Heidi" likes to be awake whenever the camera is around. With ten minutes of sleep time I was able to capture some precious moments.
With two brave girls, we headed out to the Arboretum on a very brisk Sunday morning. The good news, not a single person around! The down side, lots of nose wiping. Ava and Sophie did a wonderful job through it all!
So I was researching pet photography and came across the idea of placing your pet on a contrasting background and shooting at eye level. So up went Walker on my white duvet cover, and here are the results. He loved it and I got some cute pics!
We survived another family photo! Only had two meltdowns this year, one was hungry and cold and the other busted his chin. So much for going to the Parade of Lights afterwards. All in the name of Christmas Cards! Also got to include the newest member of the Williams family, baby Heidi! Big thanks to Melissa for taking our photos.