Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Take On Thing One Thing Two

Finally was able to get Thing One and Thing Two shirts for Ryan and Todd. Love them!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Take On Longhorns

Took these pictures for my sister in law's guest bedroom. Since I live out in the "country" they are on my way to work. As you can tell the baby white one was very friendly!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Take On The Arboretum in Spring

Got to go to the Arboretum last Friday. Had a little mist which turned out great with the water droplets on the flowers! Plus no one was there!

A Take on Dallas in Bloom

Here are a few top picks from Dallas in Bloom!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Take On Hoppy Easter

Hoppy Easter! Thought I would share Walker's patience with me as I tried to come up with an Easter card. He endured 20 minutes of "leave it" before he finally caved in. The bad news the blue and purple peeps did not make it as you can tell by the last photo. The goods news it was a quick demise. And of course a holiday can not be complete without cupcakes. P.S. If anyone knows where you can buy white circus peanuts instead of orange please let me know!
