Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Take on an Arctic Cupcake Adventure

So. . . I had this great idea to make some of the wonderful animals I saw on my fabulous trip out of cupcakes. Mmm. . . what was I thinking??? Some 4 1/2 hours later I have 20 picture perfect polar bears and walruses and then some 15 abstract animals. Think polar bears with yellow eyes and purple paws! I did bring in some tremendous help, all from my niece Launa,the last 2 hours. As I was getting no where fast. Hope everyone at work enjoys the effort!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Take on the Arctic

The best 11 days of my life! That pretty much sums up the expedition! First day was seeing Santa's reindeer and beluga whales. After that it was 46 polar bears! A record for the company. This included several mom's with there cubs! In addition, I got to experience fin whales and blue whales. The two largest mammals on earth. Not to mention some very large walrus. I have never seen so much wildlife at one time! Traveled as far north as 557 miles from the north pole! Thinking I am going to have to do some serious saving for the Antarctic! Penguins here I come!

P.S. You will notice the guide with the gun. While on land the group was to stay with them due to the threat of polar bears (two landings were cancelled due to polar bears.) Did not think much of it, except while I was there two Norwegians were kayaking around the islands. (Trying to be the first to due so.) They were resting in their tent, when a polar bear attacked them. It took two hours to get a helicopter to rescue them. You never know.

A Take On Norway

I have finally made it home after some fabulous adventures. Still getting used to the heat and time change. Not so fond of waking up at 4am (Walker is loving the early morning walks!) and falling asleep by 6pm.

Things I have learned, Norway has crazy roads!! Good thing I grew up in Colorado to prepare my self for the switch backs, however I was not prepared for a one lane road with no shoulders, or no speed limit that had two way cars on it! After the stress of driving and the extremely high prices ($23 for a hamburger, and $70 for a t-shirt) I have come to the conclusion I will not be living in Norway any time soon. But the scenery was absolutely stunning. Green trees and water around every turn. A dream come true for a photographer at heart!
